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Guessing this game is dead? Or does anyone has news on updates


Seriously needs an update


So much fun, i am really looking foward to the next update!


This was a really good demo! I liked the hyena and the dog encounters a lot! Slimes were neat too. Looking forward to beating up that hare!

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Can you please make this playable off browser or reupload the game or something? Whenever I play on-browser, I still get version 0.1 with no new content to be found.

if you install it on the itch app it's downloadable offline, maybe try that?

it has potential  

This is sooo good!!! I'm a sucker for text-based dungeoncrawlers lmao

 Only bug I could see is clicking on the Sorcery: the flocking cards in your inventory displays this: Error: <<display>>: passage "Sorcery: the Flocking Card Collection" does not exist.  Super excited to see where this goes!!


Where can we play 0.3?

This is the most up-to-date public build!


Awesome demo. I'd love some petplay content with either the hare or from being captured by a kobold uwu


There will be petplay :)


Why does it still say 0.1 test build?

Because I haven't remembered to update that! Thanks for pointing it out!


Collie > charisma calm down > fabricate success

Charisma 2+ ["Strip."|nerdCardsPlayWinStrip]]


"Would you let me sniff between your legs?""</span>


Thank you!!!

Just curious what all kinks are you thinking of adding in future updates. So far like this game and am gonna be keeping my eye on this.


Really really cool!


This is a really cool initial concept, looking forward to seeing it iterated on and where you take it.


Done multiple runs of this demo and finally managed to defeat the Alchemist Hare. Felt really nice to smack him with a club as a wolf.

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Nice work

Broken for me, I get an error

Sorry to hear that! Can you provide more info about where the error was/what prompted it?


Loving this game

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Not a ton of content but enough to show the dungeon crawler mechanics and to showcase the excellent writing. I was a fan of your first game and the writing in this is just as good, or maybe even a bit better. My fav was the hare and hyenas so far, the collie is pretty good too. I wonder if the "effects" from these encounters will affect scenes further into the dungeon, sort of like a permanent curse until you restart. 

The backend looks solid enough, no mechanics/logic bug that I could find, only incorrect tag errors. Other than that it just needs more content, which I'm looking forward to <3

All the best!


collie introduction 

Charisma 2+ Easy, I don't mean any harm. I'm $name, an adventurer.

At the end

Restart Error: child tag <</timed>> was found outside of a call to its parent macro <<timed>

gas room when busting the door ahead failed

Error: cannot execute macro <<link>>: malformed closing tag: "<</link> <<link "Try to bust through the door you first came through instead.">>"


Error: <<timed>>: invalid time value syntax: "6.5" in <<timed>>

no continue after it dies


Thank you so much! For the kind words and the bug reports! I'll get to fixing those ASAP.

I'm glad the dungeon crawler mechanics are looking mostly ok! This is my first project involving fairly involved coding/logic and I don't have any formal coding experience, so I'm assuming I'm doing things very awkwardly. But hey, if it works!

And yeah, I hear you about the lack of content! Current word count is ~60k (including code), but that doesn't count for much in interactive fiction! I have a LOT more ideas, I'm just sadly not a very quick writer.

And the plan is absolutely for lingering effects to impact scenes farther on. I've already implemented a bit of this, but it's fairly shallow so far. Stay tuned!


gave this a try erlyer today, seems not matter what i fail at the scientist capture event are all the results forced to fail or something as it happend 3 times in a row... i dont know what the success roll is if its in the game but it must be really high or i got really bad luck today... makes me wanna deck that hare in the face. moving on combat seems a bit on the tedious side with a short sword or even a sword not helping my damage rolls that much i think the highst i rolled was a 3 at least the mc is a dodge tank so the games not that punishing on the combat side. as lerry as i am to sugest this maybe consider pumping the damage rolls up while nerfing the dodge rolls slightly... i hope i dont come off as a jerk too badly from the above. text is really hard to convey tone thru, speaking of text will we eventually be able to examine the player charactor in game to look at how they rack up alterations?


What roll specifically are you referring to? Like when the hare beckons you back after you drink the potion? If so, that's intentionally set to be a pretty high willpower check, but perhaps I've set it too high. I will investigate!

And the tedium of combat is something I was kinda worried about. I'll definitely make some changes to address that, and your two ideas (PC damage boost and PC dodge nerf) are what I'm currently leaning towards to speed up combat  encounters.

And what do you mean by examining the PC? Like a textual description of the character, or something visual?

And btw, you don't come off as a jerk in the slightest! I appreciate the feedback :)

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the roll for the trap is the one i mean

edot also yeah you said it better then me a way to look at the player textual or art just a way to look at what the place is doing to them.

The roll to escape the trap isn't supposed to be easy, but definitely very doable! It's a moderately-high strength check I believe.

Regarding the description of the PC, that's what I'd intended the Status portion of the sidebar to be. If you have any ideas how I could make this more effective, I'm all ears, but I'm not crazy about adding a whole new feature to do something very similar. And sadly, I don't currently have any plans to add visuals as I lack any visual art skills myself. If an artist ever wanted to team up, that would be amazing, but don't hold your breath!


theres a status tab? wow i musta missed an option to look at the pc on it, also i think theres communication breakdown somewhere but that awnsered my question sorry for being a pain if i was.


ayo it's out! :D


been playing a minute and I'm unable to find a save button, is it certain locations I can save or is save not yet added? also is there a way for me to tell how much health enemies have during the fight? don't know if I was even close to winning any of my fights lol. also I got something I think is a bug during the conversation by the first fire with the colli dude, when I had the charisma option it said $name instead of the character name I typed in. after choosing the option though it goes back to the name I chose in the actual dialog. other than those, game seems pretty promising! glad your posting things again, also do we call you Itch or Yoptera or Tera or something else?

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Hello and thanks for the comment!!! You aren't missing anything, there is currently no save function. I'll probably add one later when I have more content.

There's also way to see exactly how much HP an enemy has left, though for all the encounters, there are different descriptions/dialog when the enemy falls below specific health thresholds. Have you been finding that the encounters are too difficult/tedious?
I'll look into what's up with the name bug you mentioned! Thanks for pointing it out.

And you can call me Ich! :)

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ok glad I wasn't just missing something lol.

and sorry about missing the descriptions for the health that's my bad then, and I don't think they were too challenging I just had no idea if I was winning or losing lol. maybe a little tedious though with the slime because it stacks dexterity debuffs.


Are there any personality variables? The MC appears not to be the submissive sort even if I choose every available option to submit, which seems rather odd.


Nah, there are no personality variables or anything like that. Are you referring to things like what the MC thinks/says?

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Yeah. Like when you're captured by the scientist, your character wants him to let you out, without any input from the player. The MC also seems to always be embarrassed by sexual situations, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me when I'm choosing to get into them repeatedly.

Basically the MC is obviously *not* a blank slate but the player doesn't really know anything about them, so it's hard to get in character.

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Thanks for the feedback! I'll have to do some thinking about how to address this, but it would probably entail me just making some tweaks to the writing to scale back the MC's personality. Introducing personality variables that affect the MC's response to every encounter would be neat, but probably far more cumbersome than I'm willing to get.

My initial intention for the MC was to have them be close to a blank slate (as a self-insert char), with whatever of a personality they have being pretty vanilla. How close I came to that goal is uh... dubious!

If you find other examples where the MC's behavior feels offputting, feel free to let me know! I can't guarantee I'll make any specific changes, but I'll absolutely take a look and see how I might make some improvements!


hey ! First of all, love it, this is nice, I wanna see what's gonna happen next ! I really like the fighting system!
I haven't played for long cause I really gotta sleep, but I found a bug in the scene with rin, when losing the card game : "Error: the passage "|nerdCardsDefeatClothed2" does not exist"
I think I went "want to take them off->say nothing", but I'm not entirely sure...
Hope it helps !
'night !

Thanks so much! Figured out what the issue was and have fixed it! Will be pushing an update shortly :)

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I really like the demo. Looking forwards for future updates.

Would be nice if you failed to defend from slimes, you wouldnt have to wait before clicking options.

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Love the game.

Can't wait for the next update.