ETU on hiatus! New game in the works

Hello! Just wanted to post a quick update after so long.

I think I've mentioned this elsewhere, but Enter the Underdim is effectively on hiatus for the time being. I have a lot of ideas for where I'd like the story to go, but actually putting those ideas into writing has been a slog, and I honestly just haven't really been feeling up to it. So if you're waiting for ETU updates, don't give up hope! But also, don't hold your breath.

What I am actively working on is a new game, working title "Sublustris." I envision it as a sort of dungeon-crawler, RPG sorta thing with stats and inventory and turn-based combat (and, of course, plenty of smut). Because I refuse to learn any real programming, I'm still working in Twine, which recently led to a pretty demoralizing setback that halted development for some time. Basically, the Twine format I used for ETU (Harlowe) isn't great at handling frequent array updates and more complex functions. I only learned this after pretty much coding all the game systems in Harlowe, only to find that extended playtimes almost always resulted in game-breaking freezes. I decided the only way to salvage my game was to port all my progress into a new, more flexible Twine format (SugarCube), which has a completely different and (for me at least) more complicated syntax. I've spent the past few days learning how to code in SugarCube and essentially reprogramming my game from scratch. It's been a good learning experience, if not a good time, but I'm satisfied with the results.

The upshot of all this is that, after all this work, I'm now more motivated than ever to get my shit together and wrap this up into a releasable product, even if it's just a demo to start with. I can't really offer any exact ETA (sorry), but I think if I can keep working at a semi-reasonable pace, I should be able to get something out within the next few weeks, so keep an eye out. If anyone's interested in helping test the game before release, feel free to shoot me a message!

That's it for now! Thanks for reading and for following my work :)


tldr: ETU not abandoned but on hiatus; new game on horizon o.o


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cant wait for the new thing! sad this is on hiatus but eh least its eventually coming back!


That's good to hear! I've enjoyed ETU quite a bit, but there didn't seem to be a really distinct goal. Just a bunch of vague ideas.

In this new game, will there be a way to view things like stats, items collected, and such? Or is it going to be a more linear RPG with less emphasis on fighting?


Also, I don't use FA, but I would be interested in game testing, if you have other forms of communication, like Discord, Twitter, or Reddit.

I'm on Discord!



Yeah that's fair lol. I mostly went into it on the premise of "horny dungeon exploration" and just kinda went from there. I have plans to introduce more of a story and various objectives, but writing is hard!

And yep! There's a sidebar to track stats and inventory. Fighting is (at least currently) one of the core parts of the game.